Garland Flowers
Born to a military family in the 1950's town of San Antonio, Texas, Garland was severely afflicted with polio as an infant. While inhibiting his mobility, the disease forced a unique opportunity on him without knowing it ...the need to learn how to overcome physical limitations and succeed in spite of them. From the beginning he exhibited talent with the paintbrush and other mediums that eventually developed into an uncontrollable passion for the arts and a love for anything with wheels, wings and engines. When digital camera technology rose in efficiency it became a valuable tool in his arsenal of creative weapons and now he uses it to capture images to digitally manipulate. He doesn't have to wait for weeks on a mountain side or hike for miles to get the perfect shot ...he can make the shot perfect. What he calls, "dealing with physical limitations." With respect, his desire is to move away from traditional, hyper-sharp photography and gently lean into an impressionistic style, encouraging the viewer to "fill in the blanks" with their imagination, causing a deeper connection to the beauty of the intense colors and the emotional impact these subjects create.
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